HomeA Look Ahead–IPA 2009 -
A Look Ahead–IPA 2009
2009 is off to a strong start for IPA members. On February 25, we have our first webinar, “Being Successful in Your Own Public Relations Business: Learn to Grow and Stay Ahead–Even in This Tough Economy.” Click here for details and to register.
The next webinar will be FREE to IPA members thanks to our Vocus sponsorship.
IPA also plans to host a virtual conference and programming at PRSA’s International Conference. If you have topic suggestions or potential speakers, please send them to our new Programming Chair, Jennifer Heinly.
A password protected “Document Share” page is being added to the IPA website as a new benefit in 2009. If you would like to provide a document—such as a generic rates change letter, RFP format, or sample contract—please e-mail it to Communications Chair Barbara Nash. If you are seeking a specific type of document, ask your colleagues to supply one to Barbara through the e-Group.
In addition to our traditional programming, IPA will sponsor two FREE members-only conference calls in 2009. These will be used to discuss new or enhanced membership benefits and other recent events or academic studies that impact our businesses. Please contact Kristie Aylett, Membership Chair, if there is a topic that you would like discussed on a conference call.
Janet Oppenheimer, our Sponsorship Chair, will be reaching out to new sponsors and potential new discount vendors throughout the year. If you have a company that you think would like to work with IPA, please share it with Janet.
The new IPA Executive Committee has hit the ground running thanks to the leg work done last year under the leadership of Kelly Davis, IPA’s Immediate Past Chair. Of course, if you have an idea of how we can increase the value of your membership or want to serve on a committee, please let us know. IPA’s volunteer leadership can also use an extra hand.
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