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PRSA Section Survey

PRSA recently surveyed all of its national Sections to confirm what we already know: the Independent Practitioners Alliance is the best!

We do not have the largest number of members or the largest budget compared to the other 16 PRSA sections, but our members report receiving the highest value from their section membership. Nearly 80% of respondents said that IPA is extremely or somewhat valuable.

Our online discussion forum stood out as a favorite membership benefit that allows for networking and exchange of information relevant to our businesses and profession. (Need to access the e-group?)

The survey also gave the Executive Committee (EC) great ideas for improving the value of membership. Suggestions included an updated Web site, and discounts on vendor services. Several initiatives were underway to address these areas when the survey was being conducted and are now available to members, such as the re-launched Web site and the 50% discount program with NewsCactus. You can look forward to new improvements to the Web site and additional discount programs in the near future.

The largest complaint from IPA members was about the high costs of conferences and teleseminars. PRSA sets these prices, but the IPA Executive Committee agrees that they are too high and are excluding independent practitioners from valuable programming. We will continue to work on your behalf to advocate for affordable programming.

In the meantime, here is a helpful hint: The cost of a teleseminar is the same whether one or twelve people participate. If you are in an area with other IPA members, independent practitioners or even a PR firm, you can get together for the teleconference and share the costs.

If you have any questions about current benefits or suggestions about changes that would improve the value of your membership, please contact a member of the EC today!

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